Friday, September 25, 2009

my BirthDAy...

is my b'd ..
yipii..~~ =]
i celebrate v my frenz..n he 2..
go Qb oo0..
me gt a l0t presenT oo0...

+medium bear fr0m he..+

+4 little bears fr0m boys+

+a dolphin bai3 se4 pin3 fr0m qi+

+a nice bai3 se4 pin3 fr0m eileen [lek]+

+a tropicana life pencil box fr0m mj & mx+

+a book fr0m my fren+

+a diao4 shi4 fr0m my cousin+

whoa ~~whoa~~
many many oo0..
but i most lik the bear ..=]
is he gv d ma..XD

thN taT day ...
sr wears a pair of white spec..
_ _

^ ~~ errr..sumthng lik tat larx...[whn he wear spec..XD]
izit lik 'ah pek' ?? ..XD [me dun no hw to dRAw ..XD]

thN mE ,qi ,mj ,lek ..
tgt laugh he..

thN we watCH movIe -- [G-Force]
thE moviE start at 12.40 pm...
boYs go eat 1st...
thn gal Go SKATE..!!!
at 1st...
qi n lek dun wan skate d..
but me try quan4 thm...
thn thy ka wanna to skate...^^

12.40 pm ler....
boyS all bo HO d..
bo w8 us..
thn KA ki ..go in Lia0.. :33
thn we gaLs stil ban ban..
weaR our shoes..
thn 12.45 pm..
we ka in..
mana zai we ..G0 wr0ng..r00m..
AlaH ...
stIm lurr..we..XP
our movie r00m is at 6..
wE go 5..LOLx..

thn AFter we WAtch ..
thN boyS go dinG ding..
thn gAls go SHOPPING!!!
me GO buY a shiRT ..
RM23 ....
thN ...
is timE to hv luncH ler...
s0 hungRy...XP
wE galS go food court eaT ...
a plate of Speg...3 ppl 'kong si'..XD
geNg lehx..
thN thE boyS cum n me3t us...
thy go ply thE swEEt machIne ...
n gT 44 sweEts + 4 little bears..
n say gv thm to me as presenT ..
LOLX ..mana can lik tat d...
s0 baD ..XP
haha..jkjk larx..
thn ...i sharE some sweet v my FRen[qi,mj,lek]..^^
thn After finish eating..
wE r goin bac to skate...
buT suddenly he saY wan bring me go ch00se present...oo0..
thn tat sr follow t00...
thN go t0 ..a sh0p..
go in n ch00se bear..
i dun no ch00se whiCh 1..
bUt finaLLy oso cH00se ti0 ler..^^
thN he gV it t0 me as present..

thN we go bac to skatinG plaCE...
onlI we galS skaTE ..
boYs bo skATE ..all juz sIt outSide thr ..
thN afTEr a whilE ..
sr n ty go hoME ler..
thN afTer a whilE ...
he ,mx & yd ..
cuM in n Skate ler..
Qi say ..
waN c thM hw to fAll d0wn oo0..
yd n mx dun n0 hw to skAte ..
thn thy 2 gV theiR daR teacH..
s0 swiT niA ..XD
thn he..nT bAd larx..
bO falL ti0..
haha..bUT i pr0 thN he..
thN 5.30 pm..
he wan Go bac ler..
we GAls oso sT0p skate ler..
5.45 ...
qI mum cum n fetch qI n mE bac..

yTd ....i'm s0 ..happy..XDXDXDXD...
h0pe neXT yeAR ...
wIL m0re haPpy thN tIs yeaR...XD

Thursday, September 17, 2009

my birthday cuming s00n..

stil gt 8 days ..!!
my birthday cuming s00n..^^
so hapi..^^
alr wait long long time ..
finally sept ler.
next week..fri..
i plan to go out v frens..
to celebrate my birthday..
so qi1 dai4 ..tat day..
start to count down from 2day onwards ..^^

Saturday, September 5, 2009

wAtCH sCarY m0viE ..

2day ..
our sch..
drama club d..organzied..
a watch ghost movie activity..
i go watch..v he n all my frens..
me sit beside he..
thn qi sit beside me..
thn beside qi is mj n mx..
thn beside he is sr n pw ..
n beside pw is yn n yd..
all is couples..oo..
whn the movie start..
me jiu start to use my jacket to close my eyes..
qi oso same..
thn whn at centre part..
yue4 lai yue4 scary ler...
me jiu.....he..
it was so scary ..4 me..
but after bec home..
i faz watch ..
funny movie to recover..
the ghost movie..
lik tat me ka can 4gt about it..
i promise ..i wil less watch..
ghost movie ler..
ghost movie nt suitable 4 me..

Friday, September 4, 2009

cZ a w0rd?

thy 2..
love each others..
thy r on..
for 6 months..
thy r ..
the sweetest couple..
thy 2..
understand each others..
cz a person..
say a word..
thn ..
thy 2 ..
din talk to each others..
for a few days..
thy r cold..
i juz can say is..
love is not easy to find..
u 2..alr tgt for 6 months..
veli gt so long ..
hope..u 2 ..
can appreciate each others..
i knw u 2 is loving each others..
so ..
nth is cnt be solved..
hope..u 2..
can lik laz time..
sweet sweet d..
n can c u 2..
always smile..~~

cZ a Word?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 bAD..!!

this few days..
mood VELI bad..
i rmb..
i cum bac home..
i ....
i unbelivable..
i am crying..
on that time..
i cnt do anythng..juz let it cry..
+ my mood veli no gud on tat time..
so i cry my room..
after tat ..
he gt gv me sum advise ..
n + me listen english song..
tat onli ..i cn stop crying..
but my mood stil no gud ..
tat day whole day..
i'm listening music ...
to control my mood..